Hello Students !!

How is your day? It must be very pleasant, right?

We would like to convey news regarding the status of our server MY-Ran Online Origins.

As is known, our server has been running for approximately one year and 6 months from July 15, 2023 to today, January 17, 2025.
During the journey during that one year and 6 months, of course, there have been many events that have caused both laughter and sadness.
And don't forget about the development of players from day to day, month to month, even year to year. Of course, we cannot miss this process.
We really understand your enthusiasm for playing on our server. and we also really understand the disappointment that most people may have with this news.
In the past few months, we have seen and continue to hope for positive developments both from outside and within the management of My-Ran Online Origins.
However, the longer it goes on, the worse it gets.
We have made a decision and with a heavy heart we announce that the MY-Ran Online Origins server service will end on January 25, 2025 at 00:00 GMT+7.
Thank you for all the support and prayers that you have all given in the past one year and 6 months. All the good and bad things during that time will be special memories for us as the MY-Ran Origins management.
To fill your emptiness while there is still time left, we will provide all itemweb for free.
Once again, we apologize profusely for not being able to continue this service.
See you again another time..

Warm Regards
Origins Team

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