Registration Period : 19 September 2024 - 27 September 2024
Bracket Raffle : 28 September 2024
Match Schedule : 29 September 2024 21:00 GMT+7 Server Time

Hello Student !!

On this occasion we would like to challenge all of you to take part on "Origins Street Fighter II" event.
Are you ready for that ??

Event Mechanism :

- All Class Battle mode
- Battle will start after GM counting
- Battle bracket will raffling by streamer on livestream
- Battle bracket will run with single elimination mode
- Do not allowed using destiny box and buff tyrany ( Tyranny Will be reset When Event start )
- Match will run with Battle Mode 4.0x and 3 round
- Match will start on Lost City map coordinate 095 165

- Participatns must using main character ( Don`t Register Many Account With 1 Owner ) 1 Id 1 Register
- GM will summons tower keeper mob for blocking battle area
- Participants register to GM on Discord via Direct Message (DM)
- Participants need id lvl 300 for join this event

Battle Map Locations : 

Rewards : 

Go prepare your equipment and lets have fun !!

Invite your friend to play together, and start build your "Kingdom"

Warm Regards
Origins Team

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