Event Period : 06 August 2024 - 29 August 2024
Match Schedule : Every Tuesday and Thursday 21:00 GMT+7 Server Time

Hello Students

On this occasion we would like to challenge all of you to take part in the event "Origins Campus Domination III" 

Event Mechanism :

1. GM will place a BossMob "Tower Keeper" on each tower during the match.

2. Use all your abilities to get as many points as possible in each match.

3. Point calculation is total kill points + total resu points - total death points.
For example, Campus A in match 1 managed to collect 80 kill points, 20 resu points and 10 death points. So the total points you will get are 90 total points. Because Death points will reduce the total points from kill + resu points.

4. It is not permitted to use "Dummy ID" to boost points, be it kill or resu. If you are found cheating, your campus points on the day the match takes place will not be counted.

5. Prizes will be distributed to Ambassadors on each campus.

Match Schedule : 

Rewards : 

Invite your friend to play together, and start build your "Kingdom"

Warm Regards
Origins Team

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