Event Period 09 September 2023 - 04 October 2023

Hello Student

To further enliven the atmosphere in My-Ran Online Origins, on this occasion we invite all players from My-Ran Online Origins to take part in a contest with the theme "Origins Artist Contest".

How to enter the contest is:

1. Download the official My-Ran Online Origins logo at the following link :
2. Take the best screenshot of your character with a minimum in-game resolution of 1366x768x32.
3. Edit as best and as attractively as possible the previously taken screenshot of your character and include the My-Ran Online Origins logo in the top left corner of your screenshot.
4. Post the screenshot that you have edited on your social media and must tag it as a fanpage
5. Post to discord channel :

We will judge the winners based on the best screenshots that you have edited from all participants who took part in this contest at the end of the contest.

Rewards :

Origins Artist Costume Preview :





Invite your friends to play together, and start building your "Kingdom"

Warm Regards
Origins Team


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