Registration Period : 15 April 2024 – 24 April 2024
Auction Schedule : 25 April 2024 21:00 Server Time GMT+7
Location : GM House of Justice

Hello Student

After monitoring the value of gold on the server, we will auction off several limited items to reduce gold inflation on the server

This following table of items that we will auction : 

How to join this auction :

Send private message to GM DIABLOS via discord direct message (DM) with this forms :

  • User ID :
  • IGN :

The Rules of Auction :

- Must pay registration fee 100m golds to GM by trade before auction start.
- Minimum BID for each increase of at least 50m golds.
- If there is a delay during Bidding, GM will count down to 10 seconds.
- NO BID and RUN (account will be banned for 3 days).
- If "BID and RUN" then the winner is the player who bid before him.

Note : Registration gold will not be returned.

Collect your gold much as possible and get your limited auction items !!

Warm Regards
Origins Team

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