Event Period 02 August 2024 - 31 August 2024

Hello Students

Based on suggestions and input from many players, to replace "Top Spender of the Month" we have created a new system namely "Monthly Jackpot"

You can get unique prizes every month just by achieving a certain accumulation of My-Coin top-ups every month.

How to get it ??

Go to the website and scroll your mouse cursor on the "Recharge+" menu and click on the "Recharge Accumulation" sub menu.

You will get a prize based on the total accumulated My-Coin top up every month

- August Monthly Jackpot Rewards Box :

- August Monthly Jackpot Hat Stats :

- August Monthly Jackpot Top Stats :

- August Monthly Jackpot Pants Stats :

- August Monthly Jackpot Gloves Stats :

- August Monthly Jackpot Shoes Stats :

- August Monthly Jackpot Ornament Stats :

- August Monthly Jackpot Costume Preview :

Dont forget to claim Students !!

Invite your friends to play together, and start build your "Kingdom"

Warm Regards
Origins Team

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